In nome della sostenibilità

The taste of conscious choices, useful for safeguarding Earth: a commitment carried out by these producers.


73,50  iva escl. 81,13  iva incl.

Etica Small Box

The box contains

Sugo alla Ligure

Sugo alla ligure biologico con Basilico Genovese DOP – La Macina Ligure – Vaso g 180

It is produced by a farm born from the owners' passion for their land, Liguria. They work with dedication to preserve the flavor and authenticity of the raw ingredients.

Riso Carnaroli - Cascina Oschiena

Riso Carnaroli classico da agricoltura sostenibile – Cascina Oschiena – Astuccio g 500

Cascina Oschiena cultivates historical rice varieties in a protected biodiversity environment. Carnaroli is one of the best for excellent risottos. It has an outstanding cooking stability.

Olio Terre Francescane

Olio extravergine di oliva biologico 100% italiano – Terre Francescane – cl 25

Obtained from select olives, this oil stands out for its intense and fruity flavor. It is perfect for enhancing salads, grilled vegetables, and fish dishes.

Taralli Biologici Bardi Longo

Taralli biologici con olio extravergine di oliva Bardi-Longo – Astuccio g 150

One of the recipes from the Apulian tradition. Taralli are made with quality ingredients: only water, flour, extra virgin olive oil.

Flyer LifeGate

Leaflet Lifegate

Combating climate change starts with our daily choices. Let's make a tangible contribution to LifeGate's projects for climate and environmental protection.

Mais per polenta biologica – Olivero Claudio – Astuccio g 500

Polenta, one of the simplest dishes in Italian cuisine, is always a winter menu staple. Made from organically grown corn, it provides an additional guarantee of ancient authenticity.

Parmigiano Reggiano Biologico – Caseificio Gennari – Incartato g 300

The most famous Italian cheese, with a millennial history, produced by the Gennari family since 1953 using a short supply chain in Collecchio, Parma. Now certified organic, it confirms its naturalness.

Rosso di Montepulciano DOC Biologico – Canneto (Toscana)

Canneto is a sustainable company that passionately cultivates the vineyard. It produces great red wines, like this one with Sangiovese and Merlot grapes that pair well with cured meats and legumes.

Baci di dama alla nocciola biologici – Officina Nobili Bontà – Astuccio g 180

A tasty reinterpretation of traditional 'baci di dama', made with a dough of hazelnut flour and cocoa. High-quality ingredients for a sweet treat with a romantic name.

Panettone classico Bardi-Longo, antica ricetta tradizionale (tipo alto) in astuccio – g 750

A symbol of artisan sweetness, it's full of raisins and candied fruit. Naturally leavened, it's soft, highly digestible, and has unique flavors. The classic Christmas recipe.

Cuore Solidale Longo

Cuore solidale – Progetto 2024

This gift supports the construction of a greenhouse at Pappaluga, a social agricultural enterprise that provides employment to young people with cognitive disabilities, promoting their dignity through inclusive organic farming.

Dropstop Longo

Gift Enoteca Longo

Uno speciale sconto del 10% valido sul sito , dove trovare una vasta selezione di etichette di vino, dall’Italia e dal mondo, oltre a spirits, birre e prodotti gastronomici di qualità. Un pratico dropstop è incluso per servire il vino con eleganza.

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